Friday, April 24, 2009

Schools considering LGBT curriculum

Alameda County, California, is considering a curriculum which will include lessons on LGBT individuals. The anti-bullying curriculum is under review to cover gay-bullying, and the county is considering one lesson a year to focus on LGBT issues. This, of course, if provoking a firestorm of controversy. What do you think? Assuming it would be possible for Tulsa schools to be more inclusive of LGBT issues, do you think they should be? How should they go about it? What are the most important things to cover? The story is here. Share your comments!

1 comment:

  1. THIS IS FANTASTIC! We learn about black history, we learn about Native's and now it's time to learn about a minority that has been silenced for too long. The moment we make something that has been sensationalized as being strange by a lack of visibility, normal, it will eradicate people's confusion and miseducation about LGBT people being any different than any one else.
